Ausmed Passport™ For Providers

Fast-Track Staff Mandatory Training

Align your organisation’s induction and mandatory training with other providers in the aged care sector.

Join the many organisations already recognising the Ausmed Passport™

McKenzie Aged Care
Autumn Aged Care
Rockpool Residential Aged Care
Click here to view all

How the Ausmed Passport™ can support your organisation

Fast-track staff inductions

Save time during induction by recognising new-starters' previously completed mandatory training.

Demonstrate regulatory compliance

Easily evidence your organisation's training compliance to the ACQSC.

Available at no cost

The Ausmed Passport™ is 100% free for all providers, agency and catering staff, TAFEs and the entire aged care workforce.

How does the Ausmed Passport™ work?

Add the Ausmed Passport™ training modules to a current induction training plan or create a new induction training plan.

Any prior learning is recognised as complete whilst outstanding training is assigned to staff.

Upon completing all Passport training, Ausmed will issue staff with a digital certificate and ensure the passport holder renews their training annually to remain valid.

Not an Ausmed customer?
Get in touch with us to learn how to integrate the Ausmed Passport™ at your organisation.

Why should providers adopt the Ausmed Passport™?

The Australian aged care sector is facing a period of unprecedented funding and workforce challenges. The Ausmed Passport™ is designed to help alleviate pressure on both of these fronts.

Ausmed Passport™ helps providers avoid repeat mandatory training costs and preserves education budgets for other initiatives.

Providers who recognise the Ausmed PassportTM can reduce upfront employment costs (an estimated $128 for each new-starter) by recognising their prior completion of mandatory training.

Ausmed Passport™ helps providers get their new-starters on the floor sooner with confidence.

Providers can fast-track their induction process (up to two weeks faster on average) by recognising the Ausmed Passport™.

ROI Calculator

Change the figures below to calculate what impact Ausmed Passport™ could have on your organisation.

$ X = $0

Average hourly rate of an aged care worker including super and on-costs.

Hours of training saved by recognising Ausmed Passport™

Savings per employee who uses Ausmed Passport

How will this benefit your organisation?

Your organisation could save up to $0 for every 100 new-starters.

Click here for a detailed breakdown of the ROI Calculator

‘Ausmed have dedicated their business to enable the healthcare and aged care sector deliver the most contemporary and engaging learning content in the business. Their commitment to working with McKenzie in developing an LMS and now the industry Passport is a credit to their commitment, passion, and support for aged care. The team are truly wonderful to deal with and we are thrilled to be a partner in their journey.’

- Mary Scott, Human Resources, McKenzie Aged Care Group


Identifying the Training Modules

Ausmed researchers worked in consultation with an advisory committee made up of representatives from leading aged care providers across the country to identify eight common training items required for most induction training plans - some of which your staff may have already made progress on!

Click here to learn more about how these modules were selected.

Ready to set up the Ausmed Passport™ for your organisation?

Apply Now